Examples of Activities
- Design, develop, and conduct of tabletop, functional, and full-scale exercises
- Operational plan writing (i.e., standard operating guidelines, standard operating procedures, field operations guides)
- Gap analysis and assessments
- Operational activities during response operations
- Exercise evaluation assessment
- Education and training sessions on public health emergency preparedness and ESF-8 (e.g. fatality management)
Recent Projects
- COVID-19 tabletop exercises for Williamson County and Cities Health District and the City of Austin
- COVID-19 after action assessment and report for the Northeast Texas Public Health District
- COVID-19 after action assessment and report for the City of Austin
- Planning and training documents in response to the MERS coronvirus
- Authored SOG and SOPs for local health departments in Texas on the following topics
- Infectious Disease Response Outbreak
- Isolation and Quarantine
- Fatality management
- Operational readiness review for CDC Medical Countermeasures Planning
- Subject matter expert for tabletop exercise development, conduct, and after action report / improvement plan for local health departments on the following topics:
- Isolation and quarantine
- Fatality management
- Infectious disease outbreak (MERS CoV)
- Infectious disease response activities
- Foodborne outbreak
- Measles outbreak
- Subject matter expert, project coordinator, and facilitator for public health SNS deployment functional exercise assessing public health EOC operations
- Evaluator at a point of dispensing sight for a full-scale exercise